CS2 AWP: The Big Green

CS2 AWP: The Big Green

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In Valve’s tactical first-person shooter (FPS) franchise, Counter-Strike, hearing the CS2 AWP go off never gets old. The “one shot, one kill” bolt-action sniper rifle is one of the most iconic video game weapons ever, also known by the community as “Big Green” or the “Magnum Sniper.”

Join us as we celebrate the AWP and take a look at its history, the best ways to win using the gun in Counter-Strike 2 (CS2), the most famous AWPers, and the top skins/finishes to use.

History of AWP in Counter-Strike

The AWP has made its presence felt since the original Counter-Strike beta in 1999. It is based on the real-life Arctic Warfare Police (AWP) bolt-action rifle created by Accuracy International. The AWP was first known as the Magnum Sniper Rifle in the original Counter-Strike and got its nickname “Big Green” due to its default skin having a greenish tone.

The AWP costs $4750 in-game cash, making it one of the most expensive weapons. It is also one of the most potent weapons in CS2, and the epitome of high-risk, high-reward. 

Valve has made several changes to the AWP as a way to balance the gun. Nerfs to the AWP include scope blur effects, a higher movement-speed penalty, and how the weapon in CS2 goes wholly inaccurate once the player takes damage, even with armor equipped.

The most recent nerf to the AWP took place on Nov. 18, 2022, when Valve reduced the weapon’s magazine size from ten bullets to five, forcing AWPers to reload much more often in matches. Despite several nerfs, the infamous AWP continues to reign on the server, and every top-tier professional CS2 team has a dedicated AWPer.

CS2 AWP Tips: How To Win In Counter-Strike

Want to become a better AWP player? We’ve got five tips to help you wield the “Big Green” to significant effect.

Practice AWP Shots

The easiest way to improve as an AWPer is to practice your medium to long-range shots in Deathmatch mode before heading into Competitive play. You can hone your reflexes without Competitive or Premier mode’s slower and more restrictive pace. Another good option is to play custom aim maps against bots.

Map Positioning

Each map has specific positioning that AWP players must know about, from Garage on Nuke to Mid on Inferno. Practice your positioning and how quickly you can get into specific positions on the seven Active Duty CS2 maps.

Pistol Time

One of the AWP’s weaknesses is that if an enemy player gets very close to you, it is almost impossible to hit them unless you get lucky with a no-scope. Pick a specific CS2 pistol you like the most (Desert Eagle preferred), and practice switching over from your AWP and clicking some heads.

Body Not Head

With all CS2 weapons, aiming for an enemy’s head is your best bet to win a firefight, except for the AWP. Aim for the torso instead, since the AWP one-shot kills a player when hit in the chest area, even with Kevlar equipped.

Communicate Your Position

An AWPer should always communicate their position on the map or any positional changes to their teammates. Not only does this help your teammates support your escapades on the server, but it also acts as a safety net. If you die and your teammates know where you are, they can pick up and save your AWP for the next round.

Fun fact: Did you know that the AWP is the only weapon in competitive CS2 that can one-shot a teammate with friendly fire?

Best Support For AWP Users

Want to support your AWPer by giving them all the help they need to top the scoreboard and crush your opponents? You’ll find some helpful tips below!

Strapped For Cash

The AWP is one of the most expensive weapons in CS2. You can support your AWPer by spending some cash and purchasing a weapon such as an AK-47 for them in rounds when they’re saving money to buy an AWP.

Keep Line Of Sight Clear

Never, ever run in front of an AWPer and stand there. Always keep your AWPer’s line of sight clear so they can efficiently dispatch enemies. Remember, if you catch a stray friendly fire bullet, you will die.

Create An Escape Route

Often, enemy teams will target your AWPer, especially when they take a specific position each round. You can help your AWPer escape when the enemy targets them by throwing a Smoke or Flash Grenade to block enemy sight or by laying down cover fire as the AWPer makes their way to safety.

Fun fact: The AWP is the only gun in CS2 that can kill five opponents (score an ace) with one bullet if they line up perfectly.

Best 10 AWPers in History

A few players have become legends with the AWP throughout the history of Valve’s tactical FPS franchise, from Counter-Strike 1.6 to CS2. Here’s a list of the best AWPers who have immortalized themselves with the Big Green:

  • Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev
  • Mathieu “ZywOo” Herbaut
  • Ladislav “GuardiaN” Kovacs
  • Jesper “JW” Wecksell
  • Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo
  • Kenny “kennyS” Schrub
  • Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz
  • Tyler “Skadoodle” Latham
  • Casper “cadiaN” Møller
  • Dzhami “Jame” Ali

Please note: Our best AWPer list is based on the author’s opinion and historical data.

Top AWP Skins in CS2

There are thousands of skins/weapon finishes in CS2. Some of the best CS2 skins are for the AWP, as the gun has a large surface for skin designers to work with. Below are our picks for the top 10 AWP skins in CS2.

  • Atheris
  • Dragon Lore
  • Chrome Cannon
  • Neo-Noir
  • Hyper Beast
  • Asiimov
  • The Prince
  • Wildfire
  • Fade
  • Containment Breach

Pro tip: Many AWPers use the Battle Scarred [Holo] sticker on the weapon’s barrel, which is generally quite bare no matter which of the best AWP skins you use.

Watch The Best AWPers Do Their Thing

The best way to experience this deadly CS2 weapon? Watch the best players use it, of course! At Thunderpick, you can stream all of the top tournaments and matches right on our CS2 betting page, where you can also place live wagers on our very own 2024 Thunderpick World Championship. Let’s go!

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Written byTHP

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