Valorant is among the most enticing shooters in the esports world, whether you’re a player or a spectator. Its appeal tempts new gamers to join the action every day, but be warned: Riot Games’ popular FPS has a steep learning curve. This is particularly true when you consider the range of maps, and distinct defensive and offensive strategies.
Ascent is one of these intriguing Valorant maps, and it’s become infamous for its defensive bias. So, it’s understandable that gamers on the attacking side may seek a detailed Valorant guide to navigate this territory. If that’s you, rest easy, because you’re about to see how to outsmart and outgun your adversaries on Ascent.
Ascent Map Overview
Ascent is set above Venice, Italy, in Valorant. And in this world, the city was lifted skyward after the events of the Duelists cinematic. The map is a stark juxtaposition of classic Italian aesthetics and futuristic Kingdom influences, each occupying distinct parts of the playable area with doors and windows you can interact with.
Key locations include the A and B sites, Mid, and multiple lore-rich details, such as a floating church ruin, Kingdom offices, mysterious devices, and traditional Venetian shops. The landscape is characterized by Venice’s floating islands, structures frozen mid-explosion, and unusual rifts.
How to Attack on Ascent
Mastering Ascent requires strategic thinking across three primary attack routes: B Main (B Lobby), Mid (including Bottom Mid and Catwalk/Tree), and A Main (A Lobby). Key choke points include B Main, Bottom Mid, Catwalk, and A Main.
By breaching these chokes, you’ll open up many potential positions for Spike planting. In this section, we’ll provide general tactics you can use in-game, with the flexibility of modifying your approach to A or B sites with your own Agent-specific strategies.

Mid Control
Securing Mid is critical for attackers on Ascent, because it keeps defenders guessing about your next move. Whether it’s a B or A split, or a direct push through Mid, maintaining control here keeps defenders off balance.
The Ultimate Orbs at A Main and B Main can provide a significant advantage. Defenders are less likely to risk exposure at A Main, making the Orb easier to capture. But don’t overlook the B Main Orb, based on your team’s strategy and your opponents’ defense.
Attacking B
Taking B Site can be a challenge because of its distant choke point and dense site defenses, which are often bolstered by Sentinel utilities. It’s best to launch a split attack from B Main and Market, following Mid control.
Once you gain B Site control, your team must dominate key areas for the post-plant situation. If you can hold Market and B Main, you’ll put retaking defenders in a crossfire and increase your chances of round success on Ascent in Valorant.
Attacking A
A Site tends to be easier to breach, with direct entries through A Main and Catwalk. Post-plant, it’s beneficial to have control over A Main, Garden, and even push towards the Defender’s Spawn to cut off rotating defenders.
However, excessive aggression toward Garden can expose attackers, so use utility to clear out potential threats.
How to Defend on Ascent
The Ascent Map offers significant advantages for defenders in Valorant, with four crucial choke points to cover: A-Main, B-Main, Mid, and Tree. A common strategy involves positioning one defender at each of these choke points, with a fifth player (often a Jett wielding an Operator) roaming to find picks.
Mid Control
Mid is the most contentious point on Ascent, and it emphasizes the greatest attention and care from the defending side. Specifically, you can gain exceptional sightlines and control by holding Mid from Market, especially with an Operator.
Some pros will close the door to B-Main and leave Mid less guarded. Then, they’ll use Agents like Cypher or Chamber to place Trapwire or Trademark, respectively, to monitor enemy movement, focusing their defense more toward Tree Room or Spawn.
This strategy puts pressure on attackers, because it forces them to engage in narrow, limited-visibility areas. Essentially, the more time and utility attackers spend to gain ground, the less time and utility they have to secure the Spike plant and post-plant.
The key to defending a B-split push is safe positioning. Play the long game and use utilities like smokes to delay fast pushes. The defender’s inherent advantage on Ascent eliminates the need for risky aggression, so defend the choke points diligently.
B Retake
Retaking B site can be easy, because there are various entry points (B-Main, Market, and Defender Spawn). However, defenders should be cautious about clearing the corner between B-Hall and B-Stairs, Logs, and B-Main, which, if clear, means that Attackers are confined to either Boathouse or Back Site.
A Retake
Retaking A site is trickier due to its exposed nature. Dropping from Heaven is risky, with attackers likely positioned in Hell or A-Main. Retaking from Tree Room and A-Door provides a safer approach. At times, attackers may plant the Spike near Generator, allowing for a potential stealthy defuse.
You should modify these strategies based on your team’s Agent composition, individual playstyle, the enemy’s plan, and the evolving conditions of the match. Consistent communication and adaptability are equally important for success.
Best Valorant Agents to Use on Ascent
Ascent requires a careful selection of Agents to ensure a well-balanced team composition.

Duelist: Jett
Jett is a top pick for the Duelist role on Ascent. Her dash ability lets her initiate for her team, taking aggressive peaks with the Operator to gain an early advantage or seize map control. Her mobility also makes her an unpredictable and valuable asset on Ascent.
Initiators: Sova and KAY/O
Sova and KAY/O are common Initiator picks for their information-gathering capabilities. Teams can use Sova’s Recon Dart and Owl Drone to take up space and exert map control.
Likewise, KAY/O’s Zero Point ability allows him to shut down enemy utility, mitigating threats from Tripwires or Nanoswarms when entering a bombsite.
Controller: Omen
Omen shines as a Controller on the Ascent map. His Paranoia ability is effective at stopping a push or helping to initiate by blinding a lane. He can use his Dark Cover ability, which regenerates over time, early in the game to gain Mid control and deny information to the enemy team. This makes him a perfect Agent for attackers.
Sentinel: Killjoy
Killjoy is a standout Sentinel pick in Valorant. Her Nanoswarm can prevent the enemy team from pushing through certain entry points. Plus, her ultimate, Lockdown, can facilitate easy retakes of either Reactor Site, making her an indispensable asset for defensive plays.
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